In need of reliable transportation?? Allow “Chaniataxinow” to offer you a pleasant experience by using our 40-year expertise in Chauffeur Service. Book your transfer with “Chaniataxinow” at a very reasonable cost and let us show you that our goal is to reach your destination on time, in any desirable part of the island of Crete, while reassuring your safety, comfort, privacy, and pleasure.
Our fleet consists of premium vehicles and very experienced fluent English-speaking drivers. Make an appointment at your convenience and enable us to unravel all the magical parts of the island, like beaches, historical sights, and monuments (dating back from Minoan Civilization 3.000-1.450 B.C.), including options off the beaten path.
Don’t hesitate, and reserve your transfer on time (get a 10% discount for early bird bookings) from any airport of Crete. We are looking forward to helping you create beautiful, unforgettable memories!!
• Fluent Englishspeaking licensed Taxi-drivers
• Áreiðanlegur og öruggt flytja þann tíma
• Sanngjarnt kostnað og býður • Rúmgóð og glæsilegt ökutæki
• 40 ár af þekkingu í Þjónustu Bílstjórinn
• Skemmtilega reynslu í hvaða hluti af Krít
• Þú kemur á áfangastað með öryggi, þægindi og næði